What is a Roomba Vacuum – iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum – Reviewed!

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Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Mark

Roomba Robot Vacuum

==> Click here to view the Roomba Robot Vacuum at Amazon.com <==

Imagine a world where floor cleaning is no longer a chore you dread, but a task effortlessly handled by a robotic companion. This isn’t just a wishful scenario; it’s the reality brought to us by Roomba vacuum cleaners. I’m going to introduce you to the Roomba series and its profound impact on how we maintain our homes.

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about Roomba vacuums in our iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum – Review!

What is a Roomba Vacuum?

A Roomba Vacuum is quite simple a smart vacuum that is literally hands-off. Just press a button and Roomba is off to the races. At the heart of Roomba’s success is a combination of smart sensors, programmable capabilities, and durable designs. Each Roomba model comes equipped with a set of sensors that allow it to navigate through your home, dodge obstacles, and tackle dirt on various surfaces without you lifting a finger. You’re going to find out about the technology that makes all this possible later on.

Roomba Robot Vacuum cleaning floor while relaxed woman on couch is reading a book.

Why the Roomba Truly Stands Out

But what really makes Roomba stand out? It’s the key functions and features that each model brings to the table. From basic dirt detection to advanced mapping and custom cleaning suggestions, Roomba offers a spectrum of options tailored to different needs and preferences. I’m here to help you understand these features so you can make an informed decision for your home.

Choosing the right Roomba model is essential. You want to align the vacuum’s capabilities with your home’s size, layout, and your personal cleaning requirements. In my opinion, understanding the various models and their functions is the best starting point to ensure your investment brings the most significant benefit to your day-to-day life.

Now that you’re up to speed on the essentials of the Roomba lineup, let’s get into the specifics of some of the most popular models and what they bring to the (very clean) table.

The Roomba 600 Series is where a lot of folks start their journey into robotic vacuum cleaners. It’s the workhorse of the Roomba family, offering basic navigation, dirt detection, and a good clean that doesn’t break the bank. Great for first-timers and those who prefer simplicity.

Move up to the Roomba i Series and you’re looking at vacuum cleaners that start to learn the layout of your home. They boast powerful processing, more nuanced navigation, and their own home base where they’ll charge and even empty their bins if you go for the self-emptying option.

If you’re ready for the crème de la crème, the Roomba s Series is your robot. These vacuums are the sharpest tools in the shed, with superior suction power, precision in cleaning, and detailed mapping capabilities. It can even tell your kitchen from your bathroom, customizing the clean for each room.

Choosing between these models isn’t just about budget; it’s about assessing the level of convenience and sophistication you want in a cleaning companion. Your Roomba can be a set-it-and-forget-it type or one that’s designed for the specific quirks of your home’s layout and your lifestyle needs.

Like with any good investment, taking care of your Roomba will ensure it keeps zipping around your floors for years to come. Regular maintenance, like emptying the bin and cleaning the brushes, is all part of the robot vacuum experience. And the best part? The more you look after it, the better job it’ll do tidying up after you.

My Opinion of the Roomba Robot Vacuum

The Roomba was fantastic, and I couldn’t have purchased it at a better time. I had just had knee replacement surgery and my wife was working full-time. Talk about helpful, it couldn’t have been more needed at the time.

The last thing in the world I would have expected was for her to come home to more housework. It was enough that she had to work full-time and take care of me during my recovery. We needed something to help take some of the pressure off.


The Roomba saved at least 30-45 minutes of cleaning for us.


Having the Roomba around helped save us tons of time and it does a great job cleaning the carpets and the hardwood floors, which is a huge plus.

  • It’s also fun to drive around. With the remote you can manually take it on a spin. I personally found it fun to chase our puppy around. No worries, no animals were harmed in the process!

It Makes a Great Gift

I found the Roomba to be a great gift idea. It makes a great Christmas gift, birthday gift, or just an anytime gift.

Roomba seems to be one of those gifts (kind of like a set of pots and pans) that when you give the gift, it initially might not be what the recipient gets overly excited about. But in the end, it gets used every day and you soon realize that it was well worth the purchase price.

There is a difference between a gift that’s fun and exciting, and a gift that actually gets used.

Roomba is the gift that actually gets used while the other fun and exciting gifts get used for a short time and then end up in storage, never to be seen again. Kinda like a treadmill. Lol.

Storage space implying clutter.

The Roomba 694: Facts and Features

The Roomba 694 takes vacuuming off your mind with personalized cleaning suggestions powered by the unique intelligence of iRobot OS. Learns your habits and your routines. Runtime: 90 minutes.

The 3-Stage Cleaning system lifts dirt, dust and debris from carpets and hard floors while an Edge-Sweeping brush takes care of corners and edges. Auto-Adjust Cleaning Head automatically adapts its height to effectively clean carpets & hard floors.

iRobot’s Patented Dirt Detect Technology allows the Roomba 694 robot vacuum to detect dirtier areas of your home and clean them more thoroughly.

Simply use the iRobot Home App or your voice assistant to tell the Roomba 694 robot to vacuum and consider it done. ​

You don’t have to worry about Roomba 694 Series Robot Vacuum getting around your home to get the job done: A full suite of advanced sensors allow this robot to navigate under and around furniture, and along edges, while Cliff Detect keeps it from falling downstairs.

Instead of using a single bristle brush, Roomba 694 Robot Vacuum works with Dual Multi-Surface Brushes, that flex to adjust to different floor types.

Automatically Recharges – Runs for up to 90 minutes before automatically docking and recharging.

Roomba Robot Vacuum approaching docking station.

From the Manufacturer

The Roomba 694 Robot Vacuum learns your cleaning habits and can automatically create a customized cleaning schedule. With Alexa and Google Assistant compatibility, you can even start a cleaning session with just your voice, so you never have to lift a finger.

iRobot Roomba 694 Additional Features

Clean Smarter-
The 600 series is a great way to begin cleaning your home smarter. Schedule it to clean up daily dirt, dust, & debris with the app or voice assistant.

Loosens, Lifts, & Suctions-
3 Stage Cleaning system & Dual Multi-Surface brushes grab dirt from carpets & hard floors, an Edge-Sweeping brush takes care of corners & edges.

Adaptive Navigation-
A full suite of advanced sensors allows Roomba to navigate under & around furniture, & along edges. Cliff Detect keeps it from falling downstairs.

Cleans around your life-
Learns from your cleaning habits to offer up customized schedules. Suggests extra cleanings when pollen count is high or during pet shedding season.

Senses & eliminates dirt-
Patented Dirt Detect Technology helps your robot find the dirtier areas in your home, like high-traffic spots, & cleans them more thoroughly.

Powered by iRobot OS-
iRobot OS raises the bar – delivering an intuitive cleaning experience tailored to your needs and preferences.

Cleans carpets & hard floors-
Auto-Adjust cleaning head automatically adapts its height to effectively clean both carpets & hard floors.

Automatically Recharges-
Runs for up to 90 minutes before automatically docking & recharging.

Roomba Robot Vacuum cleaning hardwood floor while woman relaxing on couch watches television.

Where To Buy the Roomba iRobot Vacuum

The Roomba iRobot Vacuum is available at Amazon. Click the orange button below to be taken to Amazon for availability and pricing.

In Conclusion

Roomba Robot Vacuum is well worth the price for what it delivers. It does a great job cleaning carpet and hardwood floors while you get on with your day. In addition to that is the convenience of not having to manually vacuum. Literally, the only thing you have to do with the Roomba is let it do its thing and empty the debris tray into the trash when its finished.

So, whether you opt for the foundational 600 Series or the more sophisticated s Series, a Roomba has the potential to revolutionize your cleaning routine. I really hope that you found this guide a good starting point for your journey with Roomba. Remember, this isn’t just about buying a cool gadget—it’s about giving yourself the luxury of time previously spent vacuuming. Now, go enjoy that extra hour you just saved; your Roomba’s got the chores covered.

==> Click here to view the Roomba Robot Vacuum at Amazon.com <==


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